Isolation is considered a punishment since the evolution of humanity. Even today a criminal is kept away from the society trapped behind the bars as suffering for his offense. This practice is based on the concept that human beings are interdependent. We need each other to share feelings, fears, and happiness. Human Connections are essential for our existence. Cutting off Human connections from our life makes us lonely.
The power of human connection is introduced to us since our childhood.
An infant often cries for attention, to be held or to be loved. Human connections begin building from there. In school days when we were scolded by our teacher, we often run to our parents for consolation. Just talking to them helps us feel better. That is the true healing power of Human Connections. Gradually, these connections become the psychological needs that remain with us throughout our life.
A very small instance of the need for human connection can be seen in a dark scary place. Whenever we are scared to enter a place, we need someone with us to hold our hands. It does not help in getting rid of the fear but helps us in facing it. Alone the same place becomes scarier comparatively. We emerge stronger when people stand by our side to support us.
Even within our social groups, we witness many examples of this healing power. When someone is cheated in a relationship or losses a dear one, he or she is heartbroken. A friend can hug and console to make them feel better immediately. Also, when you are feeling low in life, a conversation with your friend can cheer you up.
Human connections have been our healing powers all our lives. In recent times a large number of people have started complaining of loneliness and the feeling of being left out. They feel disconnected from society or find it difficult to interact. They could be among your peers or colleagues. They could also be your family members that you have been ignoring. Your healing power of human connection can help them feel better and emerge out of loneliness. Here are some simple things you can do every day for deeper and more meaningful connections with people around you.
The more positive energy you give out, the more you receive. If you stand by someone at their low times, there is a higher chance that they will stand by you when you need them. This interdependence helps in forming a stronger community.