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Keeping away from the negative impact of social media


Unless you wish to live under a cave, it is close to impossible to stay away from the influence of social media. It has become an inseparable part of our life. You never know when 'Oh let me see the twitter updates for 5 minutes' changes to 'how on earth did I waste 2 hours stalking people and scrolling their accounts?' Every hour spent on social media can break your confidence a little every time. 


No doubt, social media keeps you connected with the rest of the world and keeps you updated with the current trends happening around you. Still, it isn't very easy to differentiate between its positive and negative aspects. Social media can bring upon us anxiety, loneliness, and even depression when you see others doing way better in life as compared to you. To have a happy life while using social media, it is necessary to maintain a balance between its good and bad qualities. Here are some ways that will help you do so.


  • Stay away from accounts that bring a complex

Every person has some aspirations or goals that they wish to achieve. Just because someone has accomplished them before you, it should not demotivate you. If looking at some people’s accounts brings insecurity and you begin comparing yourself with them, then unfollow those accounts immediately.


  • Keep a track of time

Do not spend more than 2 hours per day on social media. A long time spent browsing accounts means that you are overindulging yourself. Phones now allow you to keep a tab on the time spent on each of the sites. Monitor your timings and set limits for yourself.  When you call it a night, keep your phone on sleep mode as well. 


  • Do not use it as a substitute for real-time conversation

Online conversations can never take the place of offline conversations. Try to maintain a balance between both. 


  • Prioritize the use of social media

When you are having dinner with your family or having a heartfelt conversation with your friend, keep your phones aside. At that moment it is not at all necessary to know what your friends or colleagues are posting!


  • Engage in online conversations 

Rather than scrolling aimlessly and stalking celebrities, participate in discussions of your interest. When you participate and share meaningful content you actively connect with people.


  • Make positive use of social media.

Apart from connecting with friends, there are other constructive uses of social media as well. Some accounts help you gain knowledge in particular fields like cooking or crafting. Following such accounts will motivate you to pursue your hobbies. Also, following some pages will bring a smile to your face like happy babies or dogs. They are also the most searched for videos on social media platforms.


  • Take a break

Whenever you feel you are overdoing the use of social media, gather all your efforts and will power to keep the phone away. You could plan to have a dedicated day in a month when you keep yourself away from the pressure of social media. Every now and then you could also plan a retreat where no digital devices are allowed. 

Getting Over Someone, You Love dearly




H.L.Mencken has rightly defined love as war, ‘easy to begin but very hard to stop.’ The heart beats 10x faster as soon as we hear the words ‘We need to talk.’ The sudden rush of emotions when you find out that your partner either needs a divorce or is ditching you. Or even worse, the shocking news of a death can make you question your entire existence. It’s a terrible feeling to see a relationship die in front of you, and it is even more difficult to live life feeling the absence of that magical connection that was so close to your heart. But if you have the will power, getting over someone is possible.


It is challenging to get over a breakup, especially if you haven’t initiated it. But if Chandler Bing can do it, so can you, you just need to find the recovery stages that will help you walk past the difficult period. Who knows a Monica is waiting for you at the end of the relationship with Kathy. These are some steps that will help you bring back the happiness in your life. 


  • Accept the end

The first step to get over someone is always accepting the end of the relationship. It may be difficult but that is the truth. The sooner one understands the better for him or her. All you can now do about the past is to analyze the relationship, if it ended due to the death of love, then see where things went wrong. And make sure you do not get into a similar troublesome relationship again.


  • Endurance

The emptiness that follows after a relationship exits from your life is a difficult stage to handle. But don’t make the pain unbearable for you. Cry it out for once and finish it. Avoid blame games as they do not result in anything. Stay away from anything that reminds you of it for a while till you are strong enough to not get emotional about it. 


  • Stop stalking them over social media.

Social media helps us keep a tab of what is happening in people’s lives that we know. But using this platform to stalk your ex can harm your mental health. Unfollow your ex’s accounts as that will help you detach emotionally from the past relationship.


  • Do not isolate yourself from friends. 

However painful it may be, do not avoid your friends. They can always help you get out of adverse situations. Spending time with friends can distract you from other negative things. Talking to them can also help you clear your mind and gain confidence again in yourself.


  • Do things that you love more than anything else in this world.

However life is, there are always somethings that are capable of bringing a smile on your face. Hobbies and activities like cooking, pottery, painting or traveling can help you regain the momentum of your life. Invest your energy into positive outputs. 


  • Do not lose faith over the whole concept of love. 

However difficult getting over someone may be, keep the belief alive of finding someone who will fill your empty heart with happiness again. Take time, though, but don’t block the roads to your heart.

How living alone harms your mental health?


Staying alone comes with a lot of perks like the liberating feeling of waking up on your own terms, doing anything in the house according to your own timings, and asking no one before making a decision. Although complete privacy and the freedom to eat in your bed might sound fun, but living alone comes with a lot of other disadvantages. Studies have shown a relationship between living alone and some common mental disorders


According to Statista, in 2019, approximately 36.48 million people were living in single-person households in the United States. A few decades back, the concept of staying alone was restricted to being a forced situation. But the current trends suggest that it has become a choice. However, this preference for a way of living has many psychological effects on our minds. 


These are some of the immediate effects of such a lifestyle.


  • No human contact and social isolation

When you are living on your own, you begin to like your own company, and that makes it easier for you to stay indoors rather than being with friends outside. You become anti-social and lose human connection.  

When you are alone and have no one to talk to, the only resort for entertainment becomes your mobile phone. Spending too much time on social media can influence your mind in a negative way as it keeps reminding you of all the things that you couldn’t achieve, giving you a lot of time and material to think about.

  • Boredom

Having only your own company is good for a while, but after a certain point in time, you don’t want to come back to an empty home. You would want to have a conversation about how your day was, or you would want some company during your meals. Pets could help you for a while in tough times, but the human touch is irreplaceable.

  • Poor health habits

With no necessity to follow a schedule, eating and sleeping habits take a back seat in your priority list. Most of the time, one might not feel like cooking a meal for one, so junk food becomes a convenient choice. Sleep also has no fixed schedule as you can keep the television and lights on till however long as you want as you won’t be disturbing anyone but yourself. Also, motivation for physical activity becomes very difficult. 


These habits have a burdensome impact on your mental health, and researchers have indicated that these could lead to the following mental health issues.


When you do not have anybody to talk to or share your feelings, a sulking feeling overpowers you. An empty house makes you feel empty from inside as well. Social isolation may also lead to negative suicidal thoughts if not treated on time. 


  • Depression

Accumulation of thoughts of loneliness may lead to a depressed state of mind where it becomes difficult to find happiness in your life. This feeling of sadness and grief aggravates if there are other added problems in life.


The feeling of being nervous or worried about any situation may not be dependent on being alone. But social isolation does provoke anxiety. It worsens the situation making the person unhappy and anxious.


In all of the above situations, one must seek therapy or talk to friends or family for help. Mental health should be handled with seriousness right from identifying its primary stages. Especially if you are living alone, make efforts to keep the human connection alive in your life.

How not to aggravate anxiety!




Anxiety is a state of mental distress that does not let you live a normal life. You keep struggling to calm yourself while you overthink situations and probable outputs. It is a difficult situation for people around you as well as they do not understand your condition and don't know how to react.

It is, therefore, best that you first understand what triggers anxiety for you and what works in calming it down. 

Sometimes unknowingly, we could be triggering anxiety with some of our practices. Make a note of the incidents, when you have a panic attack and try to figure out a pattern that could be the reason triggering your anxiety.


The probable anxiety-causing habits could be:

  • Stress: When you overthink situations over and over again and anticipate results. 
  • Eating disorders: Unhealthy eating habits like having meals late in the night or skipping meals could be affecting your overall health as well as your anxiety.
  • Sleeping disorders: Staying awake late in the night or not completing the required adequate sleep could be disturbing you mentally.
  • Inactive lifestyle: Exercises are essential for any person in general. A sedentary lifestyle could lead to many problems in the human body.
  • Social media: Too much social media could be taking away your happiness, and it could be reminding you of all the things that you have not been able to achieve, leaving you unhappy.
  • Allergic reactions: Your medications could be having side effects. It's best to consult a doctor in such a case.
  • Caffeine overdose: Caffeine acts as a stimulant to add to the freighting reaction. It has proven to have a negative impact on mental health if taken in large quantities.
  • Negativity: When you think of all the negative things that have happened to you in the past or may happen to you in the future, you are more at risk of triggering anxiety.


When a friend is getting anxious, it is often difficult to understand how to react and how to help. Some things could also instigate the anxiety attack further. These are some sentences that one must completely avoid in such a situation.


  • You are overthinking about it.
  • You need to relax.
  • A drink could help!
  • It's all in your head.
  • Do not let it affect you.
  • You are overreacting.
  • It's a phase. It will get over soon.


Anxiety is not a controllable situation. It requires both time and patience to come out from that painful zone. These are some suggestions for how you can help your loved one's battle anxiety.

  • Understand the person. You might not be able to help but be there to show that you are there as a support.
  • Do not give unnecessary advice as it could aggravate the mental pain. 
  • Just ask if they need anything. Avoid unnecessary talking as it increases the stress on the brain. 
  • If the person concerned is close to you, maybe your family or friend, then help to identify the pattern to understand what is triggering the anxiety in him or her.
  • Once they are calm, counsel them to seek professional help or therapy.


Anxiety could make the person anti-social. Continuos attacks of anxiety could also lead to depression and loneliness. If you are suffering, then do not hesitate to seek help, and if someone you know has this fear, help them conquer anxiety as soon as possible.


Why Is Communication Important In Relationships?



Two people meet and instantly fall in love. After a short struggle, they live happily ever after. A reel concept straight out of romantic movies is far away from the truth in real life. In reality, there is much more that goes into making a perfect relationship like battling misunderstandings, disagreements, and failed expectations. The complexity of a relationship demands love with a mix of values like understanding, forgiveness, and tolerance. These values come complimentary with effective communication in relationships.


We all have been in situations where we sometimes say things that we don't intend and other times find ourselves at a lack of words when we wish to express. 'Maybe I could have avoided the last breakup or could have expressed my love better, 'is a common regret in most of our relationships. All of us have been in several instances where we felt we could have said things differently or handled a situation in a better way. These incidents leave us wondering, 'what could I have done differently to make things better?' Probably communication is the answer that you have been searching for all this while. Effective communication in a relationship could be the solution to most of your problems.


Communication does not mean talking to someone or making small talk. Instead, it is a strong feeling fueled by the desire to understand the other person's needs and opinions. It means to have a conversation where you listen more and try to read all those emotions hidden behind spoken words. Whether it is a romantic relationship or a friendship, longer-lasting relationships are based on stronger bonds of connection.


But does that mean effective communication in relationships guarantees a paradise where both keep agreeing with each other? No, communication does not result in the elimination of conflicts. As an individual, we have certain opinions and priorities. Disputes and disagreements for them are also bound to be in a relationship. But a practice of efficient communication can help you resolve the conflict in a better way where you keep the love and affection for the person above the dissent.


But how can you practice for an unpredictable situation? One can practice an art or a sport, but how does one practice effective communication in relationships? When you start understanding the needs and have compassion for the person, it becomes easier to deal with situations involving them. You know how a person will react to a particular thing, and thus it becomes easier for you to handle the issue. Conversation helps you open your hearts to each other; therefore, the chances of disagreements decrease.


The entire purpose of effective communication in relationships is to create a conversational intimacy. The current society trends depict confusion regarding how one should behave with people. Your conversations are often influenced by thoughts like 'Am I being vulnerable by expressing my emotions, or am I sounding very dominating?' These questions suggest discomfort in relationships and do not allow open-hearted discussions. A relationship achieves the highest level of intimacy when you openly put forward your emotions, concerns, and vulnerability out in front of the other without being scared of your partner's reaction. The significant other also receives your feelings with an understanding and compassion. Conversational intimacy makes it very comfortable for both the people to be with each other. A study of college-aged couples suggests that communication helped the couple increase their overall pleasure as well in relationships.


The benefits of effective communication in relationships are not limited to romantic relationships; it also helps in making your professional associations more fruitful. Workplace interactions become more comfortable and more productive. Active listening and open communication helps generate innovative ideas and makes it easier to understand each other and work as a team. Effective communication in relationships also helps strengthen your connections with your family and friends. You understand each other better and begin to develop an inward feeling of care for them. Your overall ability to deal with clashing situation enhances, making you and your relationships happier.

The Art Of Connecting With People Through Kindness


Relationships are all about giving and taking. We have often heard how one will pay for whatever wrong he does and how one will receive good if he truly deserves it and works for it. Life happens to us as a reaction to whatever we do. We often behave nicely to expect the same response, but how many times have you attempted to connect with someone without any interests? How many times have you given a person a reason to be happy without expecting anything in return? When was the last time you connected with someone through a genuine act of kindness?


One of the easiest ways to connect with someone to form a long-lasting relationship is kindness. But its true essence lies in not expecting anything in return. When you expect something in return its a transaction, not an act of kindness. While doing something for someone, do it with an open heart. More than making someone else happy, it should make you happy instantly for doing so. Whether it is a charity or something special for your parents, do it to make your heart feel good about it. When you do so, do not let the other person feel little in front of you. Put yourself in their shoes and imagine how would you feel if someone helped that way. Please don’t do things out of sympathy or empathy, do it out of compassion.

Bill Gates donates most of his earnings to charity as he describes it as a way of life and the reason behind his happy life. But it’s not necessary to become a philanthropist, nor is it essential to have rags to riches story to show consideration. Kindness can be shown to people around you with or without needs. 


Some practices could be:

  • Visit the nursing home or serve at the homeless shelter, as people living there are in dire need of a loving and caring heart and want to connect with someone who can understand their pain and listen to them.
  • Do something nice to people around you whether it’s buying a meal for someone hungry or giving a lift to someone. Random acts of kindness can bring happiness to you as well.
  • Make a stranger smile as a smile can do wonders. Imagine you are going through a very rough day and nothing right is happening to you. And all of a sudden a stranger smiles at you and for that moment you forget all your worries. Won’t you feel good about it, then why not give others a chance to feel the same.
  • Plan a surprise for your friends or family. They stand by you in your good and bad times. A random surprise would show that you do not need any reason to celebrate, your love and the bond you share is an occasion enough.
  • Help a friend in need, in whatever way possible for you. Sometimes just standing by them when they are emotional can make your relationship with that friend stronger than ever.

Relationships are Everything


If our life is a piece of cake, then our happy relationships are cherries on the top. If life is pain, then our connections are the soothing lotion. However our times may be; relationships must be the most valuable treasures that one must cherish. Whether it is professional, mental, or physical needs, the human bonds that you make help you survive. 

You meet a lot of people during your lifetime. Some are with you since birth, some make it to your friend circle and then there are people who are romantically involved with you. Each individual relationship is important for our happy existence. 


How do relationships help us?

  • People that we are connected with, know us well and understand our challenges and worries. They can guide us out of confusion and help us find a way towards happiness and success.
  • We have a ready emotional support system whenever we are feeling down or disappointed with the events happening to us.
  • When we share our worries and stress we are ensured better mental and physical health.
  • You always have a companion to celebrate and share all the happy moments. Also, you have a partner for all the fun you want to have.
  • They motivate us towards innovation and success. Maintaining professional relationships helps you move ahead in your career with new opportunities.


Consider your relationships as a long term investment that will reap massive profits in the future. Keep making efforts to keep up your connections


  • Keep your word and all the promises you have made to people that you love.
  • Do not allow anything to break the trust that you mutually share.
  • Make efforts to show that you have love and concern for each other.
  • Accept each other for whatever they are.
  • Learn to forgive each other, understanding that there is space for errors and mistakes in humanity.
  • Give all your relations a priority before your work and other tasks.
  • Try to understand each other and respect the feelings and opinions of the opposite person.
  • Appreciate other’s efforts in the best possible way showing them that you are thankful for having them by your side. 
  • If someone has stood by you in your time of need, be there for them in their difficult times as well.


Many a time we take the people around us for granted. Just close your eyes and imagine a world where your friends and family aren’t a part of your routine. How different would your life have been? Now jot down at least five absolute favourite people’s names who are close to your heart. Think about whether you have justified their friendship and love with your efforts or appreciation. If not, make a promise to yourself that in the year 2020, you will let them know how much you love them and value them.

Can loneliness be inherited?


'You do it just like your mom,' is a common phrase used for most of us who look or behave like or parents. Our genes are responsible for specific attributes that resemble our parents'. But are they even responsible for the anxiety and loneliness we feel? We may have many friends that are concerned for us, but we may still feel alone somewhere deep in our hearts. Is this because our parents felt the same?

Two people have the same kind of friends. But still one of them feels lonely even though both are in a similar situation. This led to the curiosity of finding a possible connection between biological factors and loneliness.

The study authored by Julie Aitken Schermer and Nicholas G Martin, ‘A behaviour genetic analysis of personality and loneliness, ‘ states that, "both loneliness and personality were found to be heritable. Bivariate genetic analyses resulted in significant positive genetic correlations between loneliness and neuroticism." This means just like diabetes, we could be inheriting the feeling of loneliness.


Loneliness can be contagious as well. Apart from inheriting biological loneliness, parents could also be influencing their children to be alone. Everything that happens while you are carrying a child affects the newborn. If children are exposed to their parent's feelings of anxiety, loneliness, or depression, they too have a chance of acquiring similar traits when they grow up.  


As parents, these are some precautions you could take to keep your child away from such negative feelings.


Postnatal post-traumatic stress is common after childbirth. When the woman is going through so many changes, both physically and mentally, it is apparent that the mother might develop stress and anxiety. In such a situation, the family must come together to welcome the newborn into a stress-free world while supporting the new mother. 


Even while growing up, a child should be treated with an environment that is away from negativity. Show your child, you will always be their support and keep no room for emotional negligence. If you notice any symptoms of loneliness in your child, counsel them towards finding their happiness. 


Whatever may be the cause, loneliness needs to be treated at the soonest as it has a massive impact on our physical and mental health systems. A child may develop a fear of socialization that could damage his self-esteem. It also weakens the immunity system and could bring along the risk of severe medical conditions like heart diseases. American society is succumbing to loneliness and the children should be prevented from its influence. It is much larger an issue and needs to be addressed with thoughtfulness at its earliest symptoms.

Conquering Anxiety


Mental disorders have been on the rise in American society. With increasing numbers of suicidal attempts and people complaining about loneliness, it has become essential to address mental health issues at their earliest.

Mental Health has a large variety of diseases under its umbrella. Anxiety is one of the most prevalent diseases that are common for most age groups. It is the situation of extreme uneasiness with severe nervousness. Anxiety increases stress and depression. Intense anxiety may also lead to loneliness. Similar to the other mental disorders, this, too, must be treated seriously with therapy and care.


Being nervous before an important event is completely normal. The problem arises when little things make you anxious. These are some broad categories of anxiety:

  • Phobia: Certain situations, activities or things create strong panic reactions of terror that are uncontrollable. Even though you may know that these things fright you and are mostly harmless, the mere sight of such things is enough to make you worried.
  • Socializing: The people suffering from this kind of anxiety issues are also called introverts. They do not feel comfortable while talking to a particular gender or people in general. They hesitate to make an attempt to socialize or make friends and generally do not feel relaxed while they are in a group.
  • General: This is the most dangerous form of anxiety as it affects your routine life. Everyday tasks become difficult as anything can trigger anxiety and make you stressed. 


Symptoms of anxiety:

  • Being nervous about every little thing. Whether it is a small gettogether or an assignment that needs to be completed within a deadline, you are worried about any task even if it is of least importance.
  • Results terrify you. An upcoming examination or a blind date, you are frightened thinking about the outcome. And keep replaying the possible situations in your head.
  • Physical symptoms like sweat, dry mouth, muscle tension, or headache could be common effects of anxiety — also, literal cold feet, where your hand and feet turn cold out of nervousness. 
  • Panic attacks are results of acute stress and tension where one may lose control over his reaction and behaviour.


How to treat anxiety:

The treatment depends on the kind and level of anxiety the patient is suffering. Its cause needs to be identified, as well. Some anxiety disorders may also be traced to your genes. Therapy and medication after consultation from doctors can help relax the situation. Though there are some everyday practices that can ease its impact and control it to some level.


  • Exercise every day to relax your muscles and keep your composed in any situation. Yoga can be a good option that ensures both mental and physical well being.
  • Meditation or positive therapies like art or laughter therapy also helps relax your mind or shift focus into activities that soothe your brain.
  • Avoid caffeine, smoking or alcohol as all of them lead to stress and nervousness. They interrupt the normal functioning of the brain and therefore add to the impact of anxiety.


Ask help from friends and family to identify and treat anxiety at its earliest. Do not hesitate to seek professional help as prolonged anxiety may lead to a stressful life and even loneliness.  

Connection Is The Key To Success


Communication can help build relationships, but this theory is not limited to personal connections. It also applies to professional relations. While shaping our careers, we interact with people at different stages. All of them connect with us in various ways. But when it comes to success, each connection can help us towards progress. When we start understanding human minds, we can easily use this knowledge to bring profits. Human connection can benefit a business in multiple ways. Practicing the following ideas can help you grow.

Looking for career opportunities

Whether you are pitching your work to investors or pitching yourself for a job opening, you can make a better impact if you can make a connection with them. It will always help to research the backstory to whom you will be presenting. This will help you to understand their way of thinking and enable you with a better chance to connect with them.

Internal Communication within Office

Both the management and subordinate level employees of a firm can make use of human connections for their growth. When you have an understanding of your employees, you know what will work best to motivate them to explore their potential to the fullest. It would help if you learned about their background and concerns. Employees will also develop respect for their management and the willingness to do more for them. Junior-level employees can connect with their co-workers to make their office environment a fun place to be. When you have friends in an office, you are bound to enjoy while you work, making you interested in your task. Your interest helps you complete your assignments with dedication, thereby bringing growth. Also, mastering the art of developing human connections helps in leading and working in teams. A co understanding helps to bring out the best output. Having engaging conversations with your office mates can help develop good professional relationships and better productivity.

External communication

If you are in sales, you very well know how difficult it is to make your client interested in your product. To convince the customer to believe in your goods or service, it is essential to make him believe in you initially. To learn what clicks when it is crucial to develop a bond with the person. Engaging conversation helps you make faster deals. Also, efficient communication can ensure customer retention. To engage your clients in your business, show interest in their stories. Give attention to what their needs are and try to bond with them over topics of common interest. With numerous people trying to compete, stand out by knowing the people personally, and creating an emotional bond with them. Advertisements also work with the same approach. Ads with human connect work better and can create a more significant impact on people. Whether it is a famous sports brand or an eateries outlet, successful ad scripts have depicted emotional stories that make people identify themselves with the brand. By bringing the company closer to the hearts of the people, the business grows and also makes loyal customers.

Gratitude Is The New Romance In Relationships.


Relationships in modern times are brittle. Misunderstanding and arguments are common and can easily damage the happiness of any relationship. For lasting associations, it is essential to keep nurturing it with constant efforts from both people involved. 

Gratitude can be your new key to happy relationships. Learning from the ritual of thanksgiving, where we appreciate the Lord for all we have, we can implement the same in our relations.


Marriage or a romantic alliance between two people is based on the fact that both intend to keep each other happy. For instance, If one is tired, the other takes care of the household chores. It's not the task that matters, but the feelings behind performing them that display love and care. These efforts should be appreciated with kind words or gestures.


These are some of the positive outcomes of gratitude that are evident in an alliance:

  • When you feel grateful for something that your partner has done, you realize their concern for you. This increases your emotional intimacy with your partner.
  • When you appreciate each other's efforts, you begin to understand your significant other. Connections with deeper understandings are bound to last longer.
  • Disagreements are a normal part of any romantic union. But whenever you argue, the good memories of all those times when your partner took care of you will help you calm down and resolve your issues with a positive outlook.
  • Gratitude makes you value your partner. Whenever there are disputes between both of you, you will attempt to fix them and hold on to your relationship as you realize the void of happiness that can happen without your partner.


Gratitude can also form a never-ending cycle of happiness that could act as a boon to your relationship. When you appreciate what your companion has done for you, you also encourage him to continue being kind to you. Meanwhile, even you are motivated to return the kindness to your spouse, who is again obligated to show his gratitude towards your efforts. This continuous series of attempts and acknowledgement, helps you keep your happiness and positivity quotient in your bond at an all-time high. 


Here are some ways that could help you practice gratitude.

  • Whenever your partner puts in efforts for you, notice it, and acknowledge it. If you are shy to say it through words, take the help of gestures. Show it in your actions that you are thankful for his concern.
  • Do not expect gratitude while you do something. Sometimes people don't notice and that could leave you heartbroken. Just put in all your heart into the efforts for your mate, out of genuine love and interest.
  • Whenever your relation is giving you a hard time, close your eyes, and reflect. Think of all the times when you both have taken the extra mile for each other. It will help you calm down and bring your mind to peace.
  • Whenever you are having a discussion, don't talk about negative things only. Talk about all the good times as well, when you made each other smile. Relive the positivity that both of you had shared.


If someone asked you about your happiest memory with your lover, you are bound to think about all those times when he put in extra effort for you. Use these memories to keep happiness always alive in your relationship.


Is Social Media Affecting Your Self-Esteem?


One moment you are all confident about yourself and smiling with content. The other moment you open your social media accounts and realize all your friends are either settling down with their picture-perfect partners or traveling around the world on their five-star vacations. And here you are, frowning in the corner of your house thinking about all your achievements and the minimal value they have. A sulking feeling takes over your body, where you feel as if you have lost control over your life. If this feeling sounds familiar to you, do not worry, you aren't alone. Social Media has been affecting the self-esteem of people lately. There are growing numbers of patients complaining that social media has added to their state of depression and anxiety. With a large number of Americans lamenting about loneliness, it is time we begin to realize the impact of our social media usage on our self-esteem and take charge of our mental health.

The primary purpose of social media was to connect our friends or family irrespective of the distances in between. But the current drifts in social media access, suggest that we are using it to keep a tab of our peers and celebrity lives. We are so engrossed in their stories that we start comparing our selves to them. Everything that we do or achieve is then compared to whether it is of a standard of being posted on our social media accounts. These posts break our confidence little by little, making us question our way of living.


These are the kinds of stories that significantly affect our mental health:

  •  Travel & food

 Exotic locations and drool-worthy pictures contribute most to the fear of missing out. It brings the feeling that people around us are having way more fun in their lives as compared to us.

  • Perfect couple goal pictures

 Pictures of marriage proposals, weddings, or kids can bring upon you the feeling of incompleteness. You might assume that everyone around you is settling down while you are still struggling to figure out your life.

  • Current Trends

 A kind of body type or a new fashion trend can diverge you from the path of confidence. You might begin to believe that you are not worth the standards of the modern world and, therefore, not a correct fit.


All of the above factors collate to damage your self-esteem, shaking your confidence. If these are taken into consideration seriously, one may develop an inferiority complex that can negatively affect your mental health.

This is how social media can affect your rational.

  • You judge yourself for not having particular looks or style or not being able to achieve anything worth social media. You could even develop a feeling of jealousy.  
  • Self- criticism aggravates depression and anxiety, where you always feel deprived of happiness.
  •  If the feeling of depression continues over a prolonged period, it can also put you in a state of loneliness. 
  • It does not let you feel happy about your achievements, and you begin belittling all your success stories.
  • Addiction to social media could make you anti-social, where you would prefer to stay away from people considering your ineptitude complex.


These are the ways that can help you from not becoming a victim to social media.


  • Understand the difference between reel and real. What we see on the internet is a fraction of people's lives. They, too, might be having problems that we cannot see through those pictures.
  • Self-analysis should be avoided after social media scrolling.
  • Set goals without the pressure of people or trends. Your goals may not necessarily be traveling to different countries or settling at a particular age. Everyone is unique, so it is okay to have your unusual list of priorities.
  • Do not let yourself feel lonely. Talk to friends in real rather than talking to them online. 
  • Count your blessings for all you have today, as what you have already could be a dream for someone else. Also, jot down your milestones somewhere where you can see them every day and remind yourself that you have come a long way.
  • Do not begin your day with social feeds. We generally tend to search for our phones as soon as we wake up. Avoid social media in the morning, as that is the time when you are completely motivated.
  • Now and then take a break from your phones. Challenge yourself to stay away from the digital world at least one day a week.

We all need to remember that whatever we see on our social media feeds is the highlight of people's lives. In reality, there is a lot more happening to them behind those pictures. Instead of feeling competitive, use that energy to boost your self-esteem.


The Role Of Forgiveness In Relationships



Many times in relationships, people hurt our feelings. We feel sad, offended and often are even ready to end that relationship with the concerned person. Couples also face a lot of issues in their relationship when they do not understand each other and get heartbroken easily. But the question lingers, is this one event harsh enough to make you forget all the loving moments that you have lived before? Can we not make at least one attempt to understand the other, putting yourself in their shoes?


If you too have concerns about your current relationship then don't worry, you aren't alone. All connections that we make with people are at risk of these issues. No human being is perfect, and it is entirely reasonable for all of us to make mistakes. However, if we wish to have lasting relationships, then we must make efforts to accept each other's mistakes and learn to forgive. Forgiveness is an essential key to happy relationships and lives.


Couples that practise forgiveness are more likely to have a positive outlook towards life. They strive to keep the relationship alive, putting it above all other grievances and realize that anger and hate can destroy happiness. They allow each other to present their reasoning for doing anything that hurt their partner and try to forgive them for the same.


Forgiveness is not limited to having mercy on the other. We must also learn to forgive ourselves. In certain situations, when we make a

mistake, we punish ourselves in regret and stress. Not having a self-forgiving attitude can also have adverse effects on our connections. It will bring bitterness and resentment in our relationships. For positive mental health, we should learn to accept ourselves as well and move ahead of our mistakes.


Here are some ways in which you could practice forgiveness.


  • A break for thought

Pause before reacting to a situation. Take a deep breath before you respond. Rebuttal could be harsh to relationships. A break can help you avoid it.


  • Distract Yourself

We don’t think before speaking when we are hurt and in anger. Sometimes we could be harsh on the other person and this could aggravate the situation. At such times try to distract yourself and distance yourself from the concerned person physically. Doing this will give you a breather to get your thoughts straight and handle the situation better.


  • Rise above what happened

Do not replay things in your head. That can make it difficult for you to forgive the person and forget the situation. Elevate yourself above what has happened and think about what is more important to you? The current situation or your relationship?


  • Do not wait for the other to apologize

Victimization is often the culprit for not having mercy on the other. Avoid the blame game and do not expect that the other will apologize. Anticipating an apology will prolong your grief.


  • Replace it with learning

Condoning the mistake will become more comfortable when we think of the incident as a lesson. Every episode makes us stronger and braver to face the difficulties of life.


All human Relationships are delicate and brittle. And each one of us makes blunders. But to end a relationship based on one event is unjust. If we make it difficult to reconcile, we add negativity to our mental health. If adverse situations continue, anxiety and depression could also follow. Happy and lasting relationships deserve generosity and forgiveness. So the next time you find it difficult to forgive, ask yourself, is it something that is worth all the tormenting or will it be more comfortable if I forgive and let go?

Does being a perfectionist affect your mental health?


When asked about your best quality, one might boast of perfectionism. But it would be surprising that a large number of people also accept perfectionism as their most negative trait. It has a terrible impact on your mind if it is not in a proportionate amount. More people are now coming out to accept that their perfectionism has led them to depression. We need to understand how both of these situations are related, only then can we find a permanent solution for the same.


Let's consider an example where a person is trying to achieve a perfect score in a task. He scores ninety per cent of what he has targetted. If he begins to think that he has given his best and this is a good enough score, then it would be a mentally positive reaction. But if he blames himself and his talent for not gaining the desired percentage, then he is at the risk of pushing himself towards achieving unattainable goals. Such a condition does not allow the person to become happy. Instead of celebrating what he has fulfilled, he ends up moaning over the minor percentage that he could not accomplish. This thinking contributes to the negative side of perfectionism.


The perfectionism tendency can be traced back to your childhood days. If your parents or mentors have pressurized you to gain the first position in a competition or highest marks in the class, then there is a possibility that you carry this pressure with you even when you grow up. Parents must not burden their children with their expectations as it could lead to self-destructive thinking when they grow older.


Social media also can be blamed for this stressed thinking. The omnipresence of social media has led to extremely high standards for everything that we do. People want to be well dressed, travel to exotic places, and have the best kind of food. Anything that is not perfect for sharing on social media may not bring satisfaction. 


  • With the increasing number of people fighting depression, we must identify perfectionism in its early stages. These are the traits of people suffering from the negativity of perfectionism.
  1. Extreme self-criticism in whatever you do is the most prominent sign of stress in perfectionism.
  2. Over-anxiousness about results that are least important.
  3. Mistakes make you shy or embarrassed. Therefore, you do not wish to accept them in public.
  4. Low confidence or self-esteem that results in not believing in yourself and doubting your worth.


If you are suffering through this mental tension, then you should work towards changing your outlook towards life. Self-criticism is good for mental health until it doesn't become an obsession. When you begin to feel pressurized by your expectations, then pause your self-analysis. Here are some ways in which you can control the stress caused by perfectionism.


  1. Acceptance is the first step towards positivity. Appreciate your efforts instead of calculating your shortcomings.
  2. Try not to pressurize yourself with goals that are difficult for you. Do not overthink about everything you do or say.
  3. Meditation helps bring peace to your mind. Whenever you begin retrospecting, take long breaths and meditate. It will help channelize your thoughts towards positivity.
  4. Do not hesitate to talk to a friend and ask for help. Chose a person who you are most comfortable with and open your hearts to them. Friends can guide you towards positivity.

Is your brain actually relaxing on your day off?

— feeling confident


Eight hours of dedicated work under pressure of deadlines deserves a happy weekend when we can refresh ourselves thoroughly. We work and slog our brains throughout the week to get the weekend to ourselves. This downtime is supposed to be stress-free and relaxing. It is meant to give a break to our ever running minds. But instead of pausing our continuously working brains, we end up overloading it with all kinds of thoughts. So the question is, does your brain get an off on your weekend?

These are some of the probable ways that can help you keep a check on your perfect weekend mental detox.


Do not think about upcoming deadlines at work

When we leave the office premise, we should also leave back the stress and head home without thinking about work.  All the unfinished tasks should take a back seat in your priority list. Avoid phone calls and emails as well, if possible.


Avoid too much of social media influence

Do not waste your relaxing time scrolling through your social media news feeds, looking at celebrity profiles. Too much social media can leave you intimidated or anxious. You may feel that people around you are having a much better time. Instead of following other's activities, focus on making your weekend happy.


Do not cancel out on plans

It might be very tempting to cancel all your outdoor plans, get on your couch, and spend the day with your phone or Netflix. But for a mind at complete peace, meeting people and breathing fresh air can do wonders. Attempt to dress up, catch up with friends, or go for an outing with your family.


Exercise to rejuvenate

Most of our daytime we are in enclosed offices of our homes or offices. At least one day a week, allow yourself a fresh breath of air to rejuvenate. Meditate, take a run in the garden, exercise in an open space or go for an evening walk. Fresh air helps in relaxing and bringing peace to our minds.


Catch up with friends, family, or special ones

Throughout the week, we indulge ourselves in work to the extent that we often ignore our loved ones. Use the downtime to reconnect with them. Call your friends, get together with them and remember all the times when you have had fun together. Plan a date for your special one and spend some quality time together. Have a meal with your family while discussing a heartfelt conversation.


Contribute to your hobby or an activity of your choice

Give time to all your lost hobbies or plan a project of your choice. Whether it is a trek or cooking an exotic meal, do it with all your heart. It is not easy to stay away from mobile phones on your days off. So distract yourself with all the fun activities of your choice.


Sleep well

Have a good morning sleep. Wake up a little later than your regular morning schedule. During the working days, we often sleep with worries and anxieties of office in our minds. Interrupting the routine will allow your brain to take a break.


Treat yourself with a nice meal

Food can waken up all your senses. While we are busy in the weekly routines of office and work, we often eat our feeds in a hurry just to sustain ourselves. But on your days off, have a meal to enjoy. Cook a meal or plan a dinner at a fancy restaurant



A fresher and peaceful mind can be more productive and creative. It will also enhance the quality of your work. So this coming weekend, plan a full-fledged program to boost your brains with a new dose of energy. Happy weekend!

Social Connections Inspire Good Health


We keep reading about the importance of healthy relationships, the rise in trends of loneliness, and why we should maintain a balance between work and personal lives. Even with all the motivation around us, we keep pushing back our social relationships in our priority lists. In the rat race of running towards our goals, we are neglecting our loved ones that are concerned about us. But when we overlook these relations, we also end up disregarding our health. Yes, relationships do have an impact on our health. They act as a catalyst for our good health.



These are the various health benefits of having reliable social connections.


No depression.

When you are surrounded by people and have someone to talk to every time, there are lesser chances of you falling in distress. Depression is an accumulated feeling of sadness and disinterest in life. But when you have friends or family around you that help you share your emotions, you are at lesser risk of being in despair.


Decrease in anxiety.

Anxiety is the uneasiness or nervousness that you have in several situations with an uncertain outcome. But talking to your loved ones about it makes you more confident about what you do and therefore helps decrease the anxiety. You are at more peace with yourself if you can share the load of your stress with people who are close to you.


Increase in the happiness quotient.

You have certain friends that share your worries and others that make you smile or laugh. All of these social relationships together help you become happier in your life. Whenever you are feeling down, and you talk to your friend, you can cheer up in a few minutes. This is the real power of relationships that helps you heal and look at life more positively.


Lessens the risk of diseases.

When you are happy and more positive about life, you have a better chance of having a controlled blood pressure, stress or anxiety levels. You sleep well and eat well. All of these factors make your immunity strong and resistant to diseases. There are lesser possibilities of heartache or even dangerous diseases like cancer.


Better productivity.

Social connections help you have balanced mental health. A peaceful mind can give its best in all the tasks it performs. Your professional ventures also succeed when you can give in your hundred per cent of productivity. Also, if your relationships in your work environment are positive, you will be able to accomplish all your career goals. Prospering in your profession will make you happier and positive.


Longer life.

You are bound to live a lengthier and healthier life when all of the above factors work in your favour. Better social relationships have proven to bring good health. 


Next time, you cancel upon your friends for any plans remember, you are also pushing yourself away from happiness and health. Embrace the relationships that care for you. Talk to your friends and family and try to make better connections at your workplace. When you master the art of building meaningful relationships you promise yourself good health.