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The Role Of Forgiveness In Relationships



Many times in relationships, people hurt our feelings. We feel sad, offended and often are even ready to end that relationship with the concerned person. Couples also face a lot of issues in their relationship when they do not understand each other and get heartbroken easily. But the question lingers, is this one event harsh enough to make you forget all the loving moments that you have lived before? Can we not make at least one attempt to understand the other, putting yourself in their shoes?


If you too have concerns about your current relationship then don't worry, you aren't alone. All connections that we make with people are at risk of these issues. No human being is perfect, and it is entirely reasonable for all of us to make mistakes. However, if we wish to have lasting relationships, then we must make efforts to accept each other's mistakes and learn to forgive. Forgiveness is an essential key to happy relationships and lives.


Couples that practise forgiveness are more likely to have a positive outlook towards life. They strive to keep the relationship alive, putting it above all other grievances and realize that anger and hate can destroy happiness. They allow each other to present their reasoning for doing anything that hurt their partner and try to forgive them for the same.


Forgiveness is not limited to having mercy on the other. We must also learn to forgive ourselves. In certain situations, when we make a

mistake, we punish ourselves in regret and stress. Not having a self-forgiving attitude can also have adverse effects on our connections. It will bring bitterness and resentment in our relationships. For positive mental health, we should learn to accept ourselves as well and move ahead of our mistakes.


Here are some ways in which you could practice forgiveness.


  • A break for thought

Pause before reacting to a situation. Take a deep breath before you respond. Rebuttal could be harsh to relationships. A break can help you avoid it.


  • Distract Yourself

We don’t think before speaking when we are hurt and in anger. Sometimes we could be harsh on the other person and this could aggravate the situation. At such times try to distract yourself and distance yourself from the concerned person physically. Doing this will give you a breather to get your thoughts straight and handle the situation better.


  • Rise above what happened

Do not replay things in your head. That can make it difficult for you to forgive the person and forget the situation. Elevate yourself above what has happened and think about what is more important to you? The current situation or your relationship?


  • Do not wait for the other to apologize

Victimization is often the culprit for not having mercy on the other. Avoid the blame game and do not expect that the other will apologize. Anticipating an apology will prolong your grief.


  • Replace it with learning

Condoning the mistake will become more comfortable when we think of the incident as a lesson. Every episode makes us stronger and braver to face the difficulties of life.


All human Relationships are delicate and brittle. And each one of us makes blunders. But to end a relationship based on one event is unjust. If we make it difficult to reconcile, we add negativity to our mental health. If adverse situations continue, anxiety and depression could also follow. Happy and lasting relationships deserve generosity and forgiveness. So the next time you find it difficult to forgive, ask yourself, is it something that is worth all the tormenting or will it be more comfortable if I forgive and let go?